Artist Biography - Ada Wong 

Ada was born in Hong Kong and had spent her first fourteen years of her life there. Her love of drawing was very evident even in kindergarten. She and one of her friends were the “class illustrators”, they each had a sketchbook in which they drew at each recess.  Other friends would give them suggestions for story lines and they would create stories. Their stories often intertwined with characters passing between their sketchbooks. Her parents decided to send her to art class. There, she learned how to draw and paint with different medium such as charcoal, oil, pastel and watercolor.  Subject matter has included still life, portraits to landscape. She had a very good teacher who must have seen something in her. His encouragement resulted in her learning to oil paint at a young age of eleven.

Since those early lessons, her art journey has been undertaken primarily on her own.  Her watercolor techniques are self taught and she continue to upgrade her skills by taking workshops and training from various artists (eg. Gregg Johnson, Gordon MacKenzie, Johannes Vloothuis) and by enrolling in the University of Alberta Extension program for Fine Arts.

Influenced by her art teacher, she also developed a love for teaching.  She had set aside her art to pursue a spiritual path and some education training.  Since then, she has been teaching art to school age students in Regina, Toronto and Edmonton.

In recent years as her spiritual journey progressed, she realized that her ability to express the creativity within her was indeed a gift from God. Nowadays, she uses her brushes to capture the beauty around as well as teaches other to do so.  Ada’s work processes a spiritual depth – a message of hope and peace, the ingredients for healing.

Ada is a member of Edmonton Art Club, she has been exhibiting her works with the Club.  She had her first solo art exhibition held in March, 2008.  Her next solo show will be held in July, 2009.


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